Rut City. Burnoutsville, USA. Bluuuuuurrrrgggsberg.Population, me.
I got home from a bloggers meetup two Sundays ago, realized that it was, in fact,Sunday, and I just kind of shut down. The thought of Monday being the next day just wiped me out. I felt like an aging blogger who was out of touch and a mediocre mother/wife, and all I wanted was to run away to the mountains where I could drink warm beverages in perfectly-fitting flannel while someone else took care of all the actual log-cabin upkeep. In my head it looked a lot like an Eddie Bauer catalog. I seriously looked spectacular in those imaginary long underwear.
I wouldn’t say I’ve completely left the rut . . . I’ve got a cold and I don’t think that’s helping, but I’ve at least gotten most of myself out of it. I think I’ve still got, like, a foot dangling in there right now, but it’s definitely progress.
I even called and asked my Mommy to come help me . . . and she agreed. So that’s totally awesome.
On Saturday, I went to something called Barcamp, which is basically a big get-together of people who are passionate about things. People give talks on things that are important to them, and I ended up learning a lot. I went with my friend Erin from Human Illustrations(Seriously guys, buy things from her, because she’s the coolest.) and it was such a great day. It was a much-needed reminder that we’re all interesting, and that everyone’s got something to contribute to the world. It was incredibly motivating and inspiring, and then I got home and realized that I just didn’t have the time to do anything I felt motivated to do.
Womp, womp.
Now, I realize that that’s not actually true. I do have time, but it involves waking up at 5 a.m. every day. This is something I can do when Lucy feels like cooperating, but the random 3 to 5 a.m. wakeups that she likes to pull make that damn-near impossible.
I know that some of it is me getting organized, and the other part is me accepting what I’ve got going on right now. I hate it when those annoying clichés that people throw at you ring true, but I know the “It goes so fast! You’ll be wishing your kids are little again before you know it!” statement is one that I won’t be able to escape.
So, my plan is to take advantage of my mom being here and get my house clean . . . tackle a couple of those projects that have been getting in the way, and then go from there. I just haven’t been able to get caught up on housework lately, and I think getting back up to speed on that is going to do wonders for my morale. Getting bogged down in mundane tasks without being able to make any headway is a surefire way to feel burnt out.
Anybody else fall into a rut lately? Do you have any suggestions for getting all the way out? Do you need a ladder?